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P. Belik

Symphony-action «The Chimes» by V. Gavrilin: towards the problem of genre synthesis

The article is devoted to the prominent composition be endowed with high artistic qualities and excited the obvious interest in aspect of symphony genre historic evolution throughout the second half of the XXth century. As the researcher notes the unusual cast and subdivided composition of this cycle outwardly contradict the fundamental laws of the mentioned genre which had forming in the classical-romantic age. But the large scale of artistic conception be realized in «The Chimes», and the functional differentiation of the main parts and structural-semantic features of them, and specificity of musical themes and the most important devices of its development, and the regulation and purposefulness of dramaturgical processes, and the hierarchical subordination of culmination points, – all these moments are evidence of integral correlations between this composition and widely interpreted phenomenon of symphonism. The originality of the artist’s intention is predestined by innovatory synthesis of genre archetype with images and stylistics of national-ground spheres conformably to Russian music culture – folklore, and Orthodox ecclesiastical-singing art, and popular-everyday genres of the XXth century. So the contemporary «dialogue» with traditions of symphonic genre is represented in «The Chimes» as applied to the perception of outstanding today’s composer.

Key words

V. Gavrilin, «The Chimes», genre of symphony, artistic conception, symphonic dramaturgy.