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E. Vlasova

The correspondence between B. Asafiev and N. Myaskovsky (1906–1945) in the light of contemporary historical musicology problems

The article rests on the materials of the correspondence between B. Asafiev and N. Myaskovsky, which lasted for nearly 40 years (from 1906 to 1945). By the present time, this correspondence was publishing only fragmentary. The problems accentuated in this letters (worldview orientations throwing by youth Asafiev, or the opposition in principle between «intimately precious» and «interesting as an achievement» kinds of art) contribute to the substantial intensification of the existing ideas on the main reasons of the aesthetic conflict in the Russian musical culture (this conflict was brewing in the course of many years and crowned with the dramatic year 1948). The author also examines some unknown shades of the personal characteristics as applied to the named correspondents, and a range of Asafiev’s and Myaskovsky’s interests covering practically all contemporary musical life is outlined. As the researcher emphasizes the mentioned epistolary dialogue is unique owing its frankness and trustful confessional tone. Moreover, the formerly uncertain aspects of perception conformably to the creative work by S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich and other composers of the XXth century portrayed in the covering correspondence deserve the attention. To the view of the author the named correspondence is the exclusively important documentary historical source that is worthy of the detailed comprehension and large-scale research publication.

Key words

Russian music of the XXth century, B. Asafiev, N. Myaskovsky, epistolary heritage.