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O. Arsenyeva

Resonance technique of singing in the tradition of shomyo buddhist chants

The article provides the analysis of melogram and sonogram of Buddhist chanting (Bon-on style, Shingon school) with the aim to identify the characteristics, properties of sound and voice quality of performers in the tradition of shomyo. Resonance theory of singing art by V. P. Morozov is used as the methodological base. Audio analysis confirmed by the data melodram and sonogram revealed the presence of physical characteristics and the corresponding aesthetic qualities of voice that make up the skill of vocal performance to the high level. They concern the volume, density, and saturation; the flight and sonority, as well as the phenomenon of amplitude - frequency modulation of the sound (vibrato technique). Accordingly, it is possible to speak of a coherent system “breath, larynx, resonators” which consists the technique of singing for the Buddhist monks. The result of this research is the thesis of the unity of Eastern and Western cultures in such psychological properties that define mastery of sound: the emotional pitch, vocal pitch, mode and harmonic pitch, the ability of modeling the process and its result through the vision and imagination. The significance of such qualities for Eastern culture is even greater in terms of traditional notions of achieving a state of enlightenment through the voice sound.

Key words

shomyo, Bon-on, resonance theory of singing art.