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A. Orlova

Playing the Domra: Complex of Terminological Problems

The article considers the problem of identification of such concepts as ‘playing technique’, ‘articulation’, ‘the quality of tone’, which is urgent for domra teaching. The author analyzes the practice of using these terms in the methodical works of the second half of the XX century, devoted to teaching domra playing. The result of the analysis is the identification of discrepancies in the interpretation of the above concepts by domra performers. The article gives examples of incorrect treatment of special terminology, and the necessity of changing the cursory attitude to the accuracy of the formulations. The author outlines some of the problems associated with the expansion of violin terminology into the methods of domra performance teaching, and expresses doubts about the necessity of such practices. To overcome the existing contradictions in the interpretation of the concepts of ‘playing technique’, ‘articulation’, ‘the quality of tone’ the author proposes a step-by-step structure of the process of domra playing and gives definitions of its components.

Key words

domra, methodology, playing technique, articulation, the quality of tone.