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L. Terlikova

Sounding of piano texture as a problem of musical pedagogy

The article is devoted to the actual problems of improving the contemporary methods of professional pianists training. The focus is on the phonic and timbre-colouring properties of the piano texture, their role in creating an artistically convincing interpretation of performed music. The purpose of the article is to concentrate the attention of concerting performers and teachers to the problem of formation the highly developed sound culture and perfection the pupil’s sound-colour concepts from early years of education. The definition of the level of sounding and its colouristic specifics is a necessary component of any performing analysis of a musical composition. This is especially important for those styles where the character of sounding is the priority stylistic line and forms the basis for the emergence of space-visual associations. The author suggests perspective ways of supplying a contemporary student pianist with a differential complex of performing means which assist realizing the properties of piano facture with a view to real sound materialization of the imagery system of the work. The main directions of the proposed methodology are connected with formation of text analysis skills in aspect of the phonic properties of texture, the improvement of the pianist’s auditory culture, the study of timbre, dynamic and acoustic capabilities of the pianoforte. Moreover it is highly advisable to start the development of students’ sound-colour concepts at the early stages of learning to piano play.

Key words

piano facture, phonic properties, sound-colour concepts, performing analysis of the piano work.