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E. Trembovelskiy

About Style and Genre Diapason of Newspaper «The Musical Review»

The article is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the newspaper «The Musical Review», which is considered as a significant factor in Russian musical culture. The mentioned edition specializes mainly in problems of academic musical performing arts, education and scholarship for which the stay in contemporary market conditions during the transition period were highly painful. The pathos of this newspaper’s activity is the conceivable assistance to native musicians and efficacious defence of their interests. Besides that «The Musical Review» aspires to inform efficiently their readers about all events of musical life in Russia and abroad which attract attention of professional audience (panoramic reviews of activities of musical theatres, orchestras, ensembles, educational institutions, and also competitions, festivals, conferences, exhibitions, etc.). The author deals numerous initiatives of «The Musical Review» such as publishing, composing and performing projects, creative meetings and round-table discussions, master classes and series of lectures in various regions of our country. The «individual style» of this newspaper which underwent the trial of times and was kept for a period of 25 years is characterized in the article.

Key words

newspaper «The Musical Review», musical culture of our country, musical journalism, genres of musical critique.