South-Russian Musical Anthology 2019–4 (37)
Aspects of Modern Music Culture
In Alliance with the Word
- Wang Pei. Literary world of R. Schumann
- Beketova N. «We are lazy and incurious…»: referring to Rachmaninov’s Notebook
Problems of Music Theatre
- Shornikova А. Artistic and documentary practices in contemporary music theatre (On the example of John Adams and Steve Reich`s works)
- Kiseeva E., Kiseev V. Avant-garde traditions in the operatic creativity by modern american composers
- Krylova A. Radio opera today: denying death of the genre
- Andrushchenko E. «School of Rock» by A. Lloyd Webber: towards the problem of interactions between «rock-operality» and «musicality» in the contemporary light-genre music theatre
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Composers’ Creativity
Problems of Musicology
- Lobzakova E. Transmission of ancient russian chant in domestic musical culture: research methodology issue
- Dabaeva I. Genre of communion anthem in the works of russian composers of the 19th – beginning 20th century
- Nemkova O. The Blessed Virgin’s Lament: modern musical genre-style interpretations of the ancient apocrypha
- Chuvilkin V. About the essence of the concept of «jazz fugue»
- Taraeva G. Computer music and theoretical problems of the musical language
Performing Art
- Alimova E. Genesis and “stratum” specific of the “vocal instrumental ensemble” phenomenon
- Leonov V., Palkina I. A child prodigy’s fate: Terezina Tua
- Muedinov D. Off-centre sound producing techniques on the trumpet and its prepared types