South-Russian Musical Anthology 2010–2 (7)
Musical Culture of the South Russia
- T. Rudichenko. Don Cossacks’ cultural traditions in social discourse (the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries)
- M. Kornienko. Arseny Avraаmov — the discoverer of new sound worlds
The Problems of Musical Science
- E. Tkachenko. P. E. Bach’s clavier sonatas — at the beginnings of classic style (to the question of genre interactions)
- O. Pankratova. Structure features of I.Brahms’s secular cantatas
- E. Lobzakova. Author’s vision of a canon in «Heruvimsky» M. Glinka
- A. Zuker. «Where are you from, wonderful child?» Once again about Dargomyzhsky’s «Mermaid»
- A. Lyakhovich. Rakhmaninov and kitsch
- M. Rechenko. Samuil Feinberg, Alexander Cherepnin and Alexander Mosolov: from the history of Russian instrumental concerto
- S. Nadler. About Shostakovich’s fugue: analytic version