South-Russian Musical Anthology 2007 (4)
Rostov Conservatoire is 40
- A. Danilov. To keep traditions, to keep abreast with the time (Rectors’ speech)
- A. Selitsky. Jubilee celebrations
Musical Culture of the South Russia
- N. Сhepniyan. Music culture of Adygei of the post-Soviet period
- E. Abdullayeva. The Dagestan music culture of the post-Soviet era: the main tendencies
- G. Kaloshina. The art of «playing existence» (To the 85th anniversary of Georgy Balaev)
- T. Kitanina. The semantics of genre and stylistic allusiveness in Aslangeri Kazanov’s creative work
- A. Sokolova. Ilyas Nagiyev. The pikes of destiny
Theatre and Concert Life
- N. Mesheryakova. Leonid Klinichev’s «A Gypsy» or the New triumph of romantic opera
- V. Ushenin. «The Dontsy». To the 25th anniversary of the ensemble
Music and the Audience
- T. Frantova. «What kinds of music do we listen nowadays...» (Music in contemporary cultural context)
- V. Brainin. The contemporary listener of serious music — who is he?
- A. Zuker. The musical reflections of Russian art-management
Problems of Music Science
- I. Loseva. The notion of music in Philosophy of Irrationalism and its rethinking in modern age
- L. Kazantseva. Music genre and its content
- S. Khvatova. Echoes chant and contemporary composers’ creative work
- N. Gorelik. About «Byronizing symphonism» in Russian music (by the example of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s «Antar»)
- E. Shevlyakov. «The Quiet Don» by Dmitry Shostakovich: the history of unwritten opera
- A. Predolyak. Searching for the paradoxes of Existence (once again about Karlhеinz Stockhausen’s «Light»)
Music Education
- G. Kaloshina. Music composition as a hierarchical system
- I. Dabaeva. About education and training of chanters and choristers in modern educational institution
- I. Shabunova. Theory of music for art managers
- V. Ushenin. Galina Shishkina and the orchestra «Tale»
Performing Arts
- O. Petrovskaya. F. Busoni and Liszt’s tradition of Bach’s clavier music interpretation
- M. Borovinskaya, N. Meshcheryakova. Rostov composers’ vocal cycles in modern singer’s repertoire
Persons Celebrating Their Jubilees
- O. Kirsanova. The way to the Science (to the 70th anniversary of I. N. Loseva)
- V. Zhigailova. «My happiness is piano and music I live for...» (to the 70th anniversary of E. A. Rabinovich)
- L. Kol’vakh. «The Golden Voice of Russia» (to the 70th anniversary of L. V. Faraponov)
- N. Gorelik. Under a lucky star (to the 60th anniversary of I. K. Demina)
- E. Pokazannik. «Living for the day...» (to the 60-th anniversary of V. V. Krivonosov)
- E. Gasich, E. Kiseyeva. The creative presentation in paper format (to the 60th anniversary of Ju. M. Spiridonov)
- V. Ushenin. To create for people (to the 60th anniversary of K. D. Khurdayan)
- G. Rybintseva. Attraction of music (to the 60th anniversary of E. N. Chaplina)
- Ju. Ageyeva. Seven words (to the 60th anniversary of E. G. Shevlyakov)
- E. Golovko. The life of music is the music of life (To the 60th anniversary of M. N. Shcherbakov)
To the Memory of the Departed
- E. Pokazannik. To the memory of a master. To the memory of Anatoly Ivanovich Kusyakov (1945–2007)
- T. Kartashova. To the memory of A. N. Kvasov (1935–2007)