South-Russian Musical Anthology 2004 (1)
Bicentenary of M. I. GLinka
- S. Frolov. Glinka and his «affair»
- N. Beketova. The feast of the Russian music: «Life for the Tsar» by Glinka as a national myth
- Je. Smagina. Glinka's operatic poetics in the context of the genre-stylish searches of the Russian musical theatre of the first half of the XIX-th century
- G. Kaloshina. Glinka's operatic creation and West-European theatre of the first half of the XlX-th century
- Je. Lobsakova. Glinka's sacred music: an experience of comprehention
- S. Jakovenko. Glinka and the native vocal-performing culture
- I. Shabunova. Orchestra in the works by Glinka and other composers of the XlX-th century
Musical Culture of the South of Russia
- N. Mesheryakova, G. Krupnitskaya. Traditions of playing music in Taganrog
- A. Valchenko. From the history of the court choir in Taganrog (1825-1862)
- S. Lavo. Ethnoculturogical aspect of studying the traditions of the North Caucasian region small folks
- B. Ashkhotov. Caucasian burdon polyphony: an experience of comparative characteristics
- L. Kumekhova. About the three layers in the Kabardinian musical culture
- F. Kharayeva. Musical and dancing art of the Adygs. Review of the traditional system
- A. Sokolova. Musical boards of the Adygs
Theatre-Concert Life
- A. Tsuker. The Rostov Musical theatre today
- M. Shornikova. Pre-jubilee season of the Rostov academic symphony orchestra
Problems of Musical Humanity
- N. Samokhodkina. The mature operas by Dargomyzhsky. To the problem of analysis of an opera libretto
- Je. Skoblikova. The first ballet of N. Cherepnin in the context of the Silver age
- M. Skalkina. Nikolai Metner. Life in creating
- A. Ossintseva. A. Scryabin and K. Shtokhausen. The invention about the similarity of the unresembled
- V. Gavrilova. The «Flaming Angel» by Sergei Prokofiev: reflections about the «West-Evropean» in the Russian opera
- E. Massanov. The interpretation of the historic event in the tone-poem by List «The Battle of the Huns»
- O. Kushnir. What kind of music is to sound in a temple? The reflection at V. Martynov's books)
- Je. Nikolayeva. Tango as long as life (to the biography of A. Pjazzola)
- Jn. Kinus. Arrangement as a factor of composition in jazz
- A. Sviridova. To the problem of the teaching methods of analyzing modern facture
Musical Education
- G. Tarayeva. Innovational directions in the musical-theoretical teaching
- A. Krasnoskulov, V. Krasnoskulov. Project IRMUS from technology to creation
Performing Art
- V. Gorbunov. The viola music of the Russian composers of the XVIII-th - the beginning of the XX-th centuries
- V. Orlovsky. In the world of Scrjabin's preludes
- N. Ussenko. New aspects in investigating A. Scrjabin's performing art
- G. Khoroshailo. The arrangements of folk songs for chorus a cappella in the creation of A. Mikhailov: the problems of typology and division into periods
- V. Davydova. For the flute and the harp: from Mozart to Denissov
- V. Assur. From the reminiscences of S. A. Zharov's choir. Publication of T. Rudichenko
- A. Zdanovich. The singer's notes. Publication of A. Selitsky
- A. Mikhailov. «Oath» for chorus a cappella (words by A. Titov). Publication of G. Khoroshailo
Heroes of Anniversaries
- N. Piskunova. Under the badge of a great tradition (To the 70-th birth anniversary of V. V. Orlovsky)
- G. Khoroshailo. The Honorary title - Musician (To the 60-th birth anniversary of V. P. Afanassyev)
- G. Taraeva. «Gift» partially «Musical» (To the 60-th birth anniversary of N. M. Didenko)
- N. Mesheryakova. Flights in dreams and in waking hours, of Valkiry named Galina (To the 60-th birth anniversary of G. Je. Kaloshina)
- I. Shabunova. Improvisation and counterpoint: the creative portrait of an worker (To the 60-th birth anniversary of T. V. Frantova)
- A. Selitsky. The Unvain Gift (To the 60-th birth anniversary of A. M. Tsuker)
In Memory of Those Who are No Longer With Us
To the 130-th birth anniversary of Je. F. Gnessina (1874-1967)
To the 90-th birth anniversary of L. Ja. Khinchin (1914-1988))
- A. Selitsky. After the laws of a musical drama. An essay of the life and creation
- A. Tsuker. My Liya
- I. Dyomina. In Memory of the Teacher
- J. Gordon. Live pictures of the institute life of my time
- L. Bass. The sovereign of thoughts, feelings and hopes
- N. Spektor. With Liya Jakovlevna
- M. Khudoverdova. Reminiscence of Liya Jakovlevna
To the 80-th birth and 25-th death anniversaries of V. G. Shipulin (1924-1979)
In memory of A. V. Sakharov (1934-2004)
In memory of S. A. Chernobye (1924-2004)
In memory of B. F. Masun (1929-2005)
Rostov Conservatoire: the History and the Present
- The Rostov State musical-pedagogical institute in materials and documents (1967-1972). Publication by O. Nossova
- N. Beketova. «To be proud of the glory of our predecessors is not only possibility, but also necessity». The presentation of the creative centre «Rachmaninov-Lossev» at the Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninov conservatoire (academy)