South-Russian Musical Anthology 2020–2 (39)
Musical Culture of the South of Russia
Music in the Mirror of Philosophy
Aspects of Musical Culture of the XX Century
- Demina V. Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the October socialist revolution in the context of formation of performative commemoration practices
- Konopleva E. Music audience on the internet spaces: crowd phenomenon under the magic influence of sound
Music in the World of Art
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Composers’ Creativity
- Visaitova D. Instrumental chamber genres in spanish music of the first half of the 20th Century and the oeuvre of Joaquin Turina
- Yan Jianan. National features of music of Chinese composer Xu Changjun
- Grinchenko I. Spiritual music in the works of modern composers (on the example of Requiem dy T. Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg)
In Alliance with the Word
Problems of Musicology
- Dabaeva I. Ways in time of ancient russian singing art: Brazhnikovsky readings are 45 years old
- Efimova N. The problem of studying meaning-making systems in sacred monodic singing practice (Some options of the general theory of monody)
- Smirnova T. On the madrigal of Edward Johnson «Come blessed Byrd» (from the “Triumphes of Oriana” collection, 1601)
- Alyabyeva A., Ding Yao. Chinese opera of Henan province: problems of analysis
Problems of Traditional Culture
Performing Art
- Lyashenko Yu., Rudaya A. Castrato – vocal phenomenon in the light of modern research
- Taraeva G. Performer’s interpretation in the context of intonation and speech regulations
- Lubyanaya E. Jazz piano in the context of bebop innovation