Komarova A.
Representation of J. Brahms music in screen arts
This article is devoted to the diversity of representations of music by J. Brahms in screen arts. Oeuvre of the German romantic composer is a high example of classical music. His music has exceptional imagery, depth of content, emotionality. Currently, the popularity of the musical heritage of J. Brahms has gone far beyond concert halls and academic works. In the 20th–21st centuries music of this composer sounds in various media arts as a source of citation. Situated in a complex and multi-leveled media texts, quotes from the J. Brahms works get into the audiovisual and semantic counterpoints with them, filling them with additional imagery, associativity, complexity. In some examples of the media texts discussed in this article, quotes of Brahms’ music form a synthesis with the image, combining it with continuous audiovisual counterpoint. In other examples, on the contrary, musical quotes do not fit, but invade the spaces of media texts, thereby violating their structure and narrative. Analysis of several works with musical quotes of Brahms’ works shows that sometimes a musical quote can be influenced by media texts, leading to transformation, deformation, and an attempt to reduce its meanings. In the process of research, it was revealed that the authors of media texts regularly turn to several of the most famous works of J. Brahms. In line with this tendency, the same complex and multi-valued musical quote becomes a source for various interpretations embodied in the original media texts of various styles, genres, directions and types.
Key words
J. Brahms, media text, musical quote, meaning, cinematography, film music, screen arts, media art, classical music in the cinematography.
For citation
Komarova A. Representation of J. Brahms music in screen arts // South-Russian musical anthology. 2020. No 2. Pp. 42–47.