South-Russian Musical Anthology 2022–2 (47)
In Alliance with the Word
Problems of Musical Theater
- Mikhaylova O. The concept of biblical historicism in the opera «The Great Flood» by G. Donizetti
- Serov Yu. Musical triptych for stage by B. Tishchenko based on the tales by K. Chukovsky in the context of development of the Soviet symphonic music in the 1960s (Part 2)
Music Education
Aspects of the History of Russian Culture
Aspects of Mass Musical Culture
Music in the World of Arts
Aspects of Artistic Culture of the Twentieth – Twenty-First Centuries
- Krylova A. Paradoxes and enigmas of metamodern
- Pigulevskiy V. Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale in the context of modern and postmodern
- Lavrova S. The structure of feeling and fourfold object in metamodern music: oscillations of the invisible and inaudible
- Mironenko E. The birth of a new composer in the context of postmodernism – metamodernism: Mikhail Rotar from the Republic of Moldova
Problems of Musicology
- Taraeva G. Russian musicology in the dissertation space
- Nemtsova-Ambaryan S. Representation of a text and its genesis in editional practice: on the prospects of digital musicology
Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Composers’ Creativity
- Nalbandyan M., Khvatova S. Musical humor in D. Shostakovich’s vocal cycle “Satires” on the poems by Sasha Chernyj
- Huang Shuai. Chinese traditional wind instruments in the context of European academic genres: composers Yang Qing and Zhu Shizhui