South-Russian Musical Anthology 2014–1 (14)
Music Culture of the South Russia
- I. Palkinа. Musical Education in the Region of Don Forces: Principal Tendencies of the XIXth Century
- A. Orehova. The Role of M. L. Presman in the Project «The First Soviet Opera» in Rostov-on-Don
- L. Varavina. Alexander Letunov – the Composer and Executant
The Problems of Musical Studies
- G. Rybintseva. The Baroque Art of Music and Mechanicism of the XVII–XVIIIth Centuries
- А. Utina. Neo-style Tendencies in Creative Works by Donetsk Composers
- E. Alimova (Gumarova). Crimean Tatar and Russian-Ukrainian Origins of M. Khalitova’s Vocal Lyrics
Aspects of Modern Music Culture
Performing Art
- I. Strelkova. The Slow Movements of W. A. Mozart’s Piano Sonatas: an Experience of Executant Analysis
- V. Gigolaeva-Yurchenko. Russian Chamber and Vocal Performing Art of the XIXth Century: the Gender Dimension
- V. Metlushko. Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in the French Chamber and Instrumental Music of the XXth Century: the Features of Succession
- E. Sedykh. Russian Sacred Music in the Children’s Choir (Towards the Problem of Renovation of the Repertoire)