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А. Utina

Neo-style Tendencies in Creative Works by Donetsk Composers

Works by Donetsk composers V. Ivko and M. Shuh realizing some essential peculiarities of Baroque and Classical styles are examined in the article. The piece «Basso Ostinato» by V. Ivko individually embodies the typical features of its composing model namely polyphonic variation form. The suite «Аncient Gallant Dances» by M. Shuch represents Early-Classical Style in its today’s appearance. The analysis of the mentioned works furthers to revealing an organic combination of style signs of music of the past with the elements of modern musical language.

Key words

V. Ivko, «Basso Ostinato», Baroque polyphonic variation form, rhetoric figures, M. Shuch, «Ancient Gallant Dances», EarlyClassical style.