Order of Submission, Peer-Reviewing and Publishing
Address for sending articles
Articles are accepted at riocons@mail.ru
All the papers submitted for publication in the "South-Russian Musical Anthology" academicjournal, undergo reviewing and approval by the Editorial Board.
A manuscript submitted to the editors is subjected to initial review and verification for compliance to the formal editorial requirements (topic, size, structure, text formatting, keywords and abstract in Russian and English, references, information about the author etc). If the paper doesn’t comply with the subject-matter of the journal it excludes from further consideration, the author is to be notified about it.
Then the paper is assigned for reviewing to an expert, who is a member of the Editorial Board (internal review). The paper can also be submitted for evaluation to an independent expert (external peer review). All the reviewers are to be the acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the reviewed article (published not later than in the period of the past 3 years). Reviews are kept at the publishing house and the editorial office for 5 years. The editor will send the authors copies of the reviews or submit motivated rejection. The Editorial Board shall send the copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when requested.
Review process is anonymous for the referee as well as for the author (blind review). After reviewing the article canbe accepted for publication, sent to the author for revision or rejected.
During peer review, reviewers will accurately and properly access the manuscript as follows:
- To disclose and evaluate relation between the paper’s topic and the subject-matter of the journal (musicology, culturology, theory and history of music);
- To reveal if the paper’s formatting meets editorial requirements;
- To disclose and evaluate relation between the content and the title of the article;
- To reveal if the paper’s structure, language, style, terminology, figures and tables, footnotes and references meet the special requirements for the publications;
- To disclose relation between the submitted article and literature, publications and up-to-date research in the field;
- To evaluate the content for practical use;
- To disclose the correlation between the paper’s content and the reference list;
- To reveal if the article meets all applicable standards of ethics and does not constitute scientific misconduct and breach of publishing ethics;
- To reveal if the abstract matches the article’s content and meets the requirements for size, if it is all-sufficient and able to convey the main results of research without referring to the article;
- To disclose the main point of the paper and decide if it can be published in the journal or not;
- To evaluate the content for clear and unambiguous style of writing, to reveal if it has any methodological or logic mistakes and if the text need correction.
Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the paper is placed in the portfolio of Editorial Board for further publication. Editor in Chief should inform the author about it.
Upon receipt of an unfavourable verdict of the reviewer the paper is discussed by the Editorial Board, which makes a decision on rejection of the article or the need for further review by an independent expert. In case of paper’s rejection, the author receives a notification letter signed by the Editor in Chief of the journal.
The final decision on the publication of the paper and approval of the total contents of the journal’s issue are adopted at the meeting of the Editorial Board.
The procedure for review and approval of articles takes from 1 to 1.5 months, articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial Board may decide on an extraordinary publication of the paper.
Preparing an article for publication undertaken by the editors includes editing and fine-tuning of the text according to the internal editorial standards adopted for the journal. All the changes made by the editors are to be agreed by the author.
The procedure for consideration and publication of articles
The journal accepts for publication only unreleased (in printed or electronic form) materials. The originality of the received text is verified using the electronic system “Antiplagiat”. Following the norms of scientific ethics, the author submitting the text for consideration in various editions simultaneously, should notify the editorial office of the journal. If such a warning is not made, and the duplicative text will be recorded by the system “Antiplagiat”, the author will be put on a blacklist.
After the acceptance every article is to be registered by the Editorial Board; after this, the text is assigned a unique number and is defined journal issue in which publication is to be made.
After defining the thematic profile of the received article, the Chief Editor of the journal directs it to the independent reviewer specialist in the relevant field. If it gets negative feedback, the text is sent to another reviewer. Two negative reviews are to be the reason for rejection of the article.
If the publication of material admitted to the review is possible only after the thorough revision and correction of the text, the latter is sent to the author. In such case the author should prepare an improved version of the article not later than the deadlines. In addition, the Editorial Board has the right to make necessary changes and corrections of a local character, suggested by the reviewer (reviewers). Similar corrections are permitted in connection with the process of scientific and literary editing.
Upon completion of all the editorial work, the layout of the published articles is sent to the author for his final review. The editor notifies the author about the release of the journalbye-mail within 3–5 days after the receipt of the circulation.
Author Guidelines
The size of an article is permitted in two formats: 20,000 or 30,000 characters (including spaces, music score examples, figures, tables, appendices, notes, references, abstracts and key words in Russian and English). All manuscripts are accepted only in the Rich Text Format (.rtf), in a 1.5 line spacing, black 12-point Times New Roman font, with margins of 25 mm all the way round. Emphasesare marked in italic or bold italic. Pages should be numerated.
The paper must include:
- a UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index, which should reflects in detail the research area (see: http://www.udcsummary.info/php/index.php);
- the author`s and co-authors` surnames and the initials in Russian and English;
- an abstract (200-250 words) and keywords (8-10 words) in Russian and English;
- an article;
- references (8-15 sources, published in the previous10 years);
- information about the author and co-authors: full names, ORCID ID (see: https://orcid.org), full name of the organization, position(s), academic degree(s), e-mail.
Footnotes are located at the bottom of the page. The numeration is sequential throughout the text. All the highlights inside quotes are specified in square brackets: [author's emphasis. – ....] or [italics mine. – ....].The references are given within the text in square brackets (e.g. [11, P. 15]).
Only 30% of quotation is accepted. It is forbidden to use some one’s text without references to the author.
Figures should have titles and legends if necessary. All figures must be referred to in the text of the article, they must be sequentially numerated in Arabic numerals. Size of one figure is between 500-1,800 characters. All figures should be presented by separate graphic images. They must be prepared in JPG or TIF formats and with minimum size of 100 × 100 mm, 300 dpi resolution. Drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams should be black-and-white.
Music score examples must be converted into the format of images with resolution of 300 dpi. They should be accompanied by information located in the following order: left – continuous numbering (example No. 1, etc.), right – surname, initials, title, part, etc. Supporting information should be typed in MS Word, font size 12.
Tables should have a heading and be referred to in the text. The heading should sufficiently describe the contents, be brief. It should be placed above the table and directly after the paragraph which refers to it. Column titles are recorded in parallel rows in the table, they cannot be located perpendicularly. Tables should be in portrait orientation.
The text format in tables should be 9-point Times New Roman font. Tables are not required to be submitted in separate documents.
The abstract should include a brief repetition of the structure of the article, including the introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. The abstract will be published independently, in separation from the main text and, therefore, the content of the article should be understandable without reference to the publication. The subject, topic and purpose of the article are to be included in the abstract in the case they are not clear from the title of the article. The title of the article and the information contained in it should not be repeated in the text of the abstract.
If the material given is not in English, you should present the English version of the abstract, keywords and author information.
The Editorial Board has the right to modify the abstract and author information or to order a new variant of the text to the staff translator.
Information about the author
It is necessary to provide the following information:
- full name;
- scientific degrees;
- academic rank;
- institutional affiliation place of work with the official postal address of the organization (index, country, region, city, street, house number);
- position (with a full name of institution and department);
- phone number with area and country code for cooperation with the editor;
- e-mail;
Every article should include references (from 5 to 15 items, the numeration is sequential throughout the text, by order of mention). Journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and other databases are desirable to be included into the reference list. In the output of the references you must specify the total amount of pages (for books) or page range (for articles).
If there are references in languages not of Roman (Latin) alphabet, the article is to have the second variant of the References, in which all the list of the references should be given in transliteration to Roman (Latin) alphabet.
Free transliteration is available at: //translit.ru/ (you should choose the translate system of Congress Library – LC).
The titles of the articles, books and collections should be given in English and put in square brackets.
The authors take full responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the reported information, quotations, references, and bibliography.If the article has DOI, it is put at the end of the References.