Konopleva E.
Music audience on the internet spaces: crowd phenomenon under the magic influence of sound
The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of mass culture space on a person. It examines the manipulative essence of the modern mass music environment, focused not on the fulfillment of its original relaxation function, but on the control of consciousness. The consequence of the suggestive influence of low-quality mass music on the listener is the transformation of the public into a crowd, united by a single “one- dimensional” emotion. To understand the differences between the public and the crowd, a brief excursion into the history of the Russian public evolution in the last century is carried out.
With the advent of the Internet, the nature of the public has substantially transformed: the need to attract it to concert venues that accumulate people in one place and at the same time around a musical event has become only a rarer phenomenon. Modern popular culture has created a “new type of public.”
The adolescent environment stands out as the most vulnerable, most exposed category of audience. Based on a sociological study among schoolchildren aged 14–16 years old, the author states that the greatest consumer activity among teenagers associated with listening to music products is recorded on the Internet. In this regard, the issue of the “dispersed home audience”, which, according to the author, is composed of modern adolescents, is raised. The article analyzes the communication process between the “new type of public” and the performer. The most popular user manipulation technologies to attract him/her to the ranks of fans are given. Based on the analysis of this process, it is concluded that there is a real danger of “erasing” individual personality traits through immersion in low-quality audio content on the Internet, and one way out of this situation is the transformation of adolescent interest within the framework of the patriotic education of the younger generation.
Key words
Internet, manipulation of consciousness, adolescents, dispersed crowd, audience, mass media.
For citation
Konopleva E. Music audience on the Internet spaces: crowd phenomenon under the magic influence of sound // South-Russian musical anthology. 2020. No 2. Pp 34–41.