Grinchenko I.
Spiritual music in the works of modern composers (on the example of Requiem dy T. Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg)
The article is devoted to the problem of preserving the spiritual context of music related to the ritual of worship in modern culture. The author focuses on the fact that the Renaissance of the ideals and values of religion in the 21th century is associated with changes in the concept of a person who seeks his spiritual foundations in its doctrines and practices, emphasizes the idea that the formation of an harmonious personality is impossible without religious moral values. Russian art shows the vitality of the spirituality, which is determined by the centuries-old interest in the problems of human soul, the Christian line in the Russian national character, and the understanding of the role of individual in the modern world. The article highlights the main turning points in the existence of Orthodox musical and artistic traditions associated with the ideological and political life of society in the 20th century. The living continuous connection of times is also seen in the refraction of Church ideals and values in modern music. Among the broad content of phenomena in this area, the author highlights a free composition that embodies the “signs” of spiritual texts in concerto forms. The criteria that distinguish all the variety of creative approaches includes the language style and genre interpretation associated with the interpretation of the text. In this regard, the author considers the issue of understanding the religious themes, plots and images in music of T. Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg, particularly in her “Requiem”, which synthesizes the Church and the author’s “word”. Special attention is paid to the text source, which allows to preserve the deep level of artistic content, to the analysis of vocal and instrumental composition, and the principles of form construction. Neomodal structures, complex tonics, dissonant tonalities, and sonorism are identified as stylistic features of the language. As a result, it is concluded that in the light of the new concept of the world in the 20th century, in which Man and the universe are interdefined and interdependent, and, as a result, anthropological ideas receive a new sound in art, Russian spiritual music reveals a stable evolutionary movement characterized by a wide range of artistic and expressive means, readings of liturgical texts, and a variety of stylistic solutions.
Key words
religious and moral values, spiritual music, secular and sacred genre, primary model, Requiem, text source, sonorism, forment.
For citation
Grinchenko I. Spiritual music in the works of modern composers (on the example of Requiem by T. Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg) // South-Russian musical anthology. 2020. No 2. Pp. 64–70.