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Lobzakova E.

Transmission of ancient russian chant in domestic musical culture: research methodology issue

The article is devoted to the revelation of a comprehensive methodological approach which makes it possible to study the centuries-old history of the development of the Orthodox monody constantly pulsating in the space of the Russian cultural tradition, and “germinating” in art objects determined by different socio-historical, communicative, functional, style conditions. Dialectically moving relations of aspects such as religious and sacred, timeless and historically transient, canon and style, “one’s own” and “another’s” appearing in such creative experiments are manifested at different structural levels like in the musical vocabulary, genre-style characteristics, composition, conceptuality. The author of the article suggests studying them in the context of intercultural, interstyle, intergenre and intertextual interactions based on theoretical concepts that have developed both in musicology and the humanities. Among them, for instance, there lies a receptive scientific paradigm which makes it possible to examine specific processes of perception and adaptation of another culture heritage to a foreign culture at the level of numerous microdialogues; a detailed taxonomy of style and genre interactions principles developed by prominent Russian musicologists, as well as the principle of style modeling developed in relation to the analysis of spiritual and concert music works in O. Urvantseva’s dissertation; M. Aranovsky’s ideas revealing mechanisms of functioning of some structures belonging to different text systems in a product fabric. The resulting methodological approach makes it possible to multidimensionally study the problem of transmission of the Old Russian chant in Russian musical culture.

Key words

Russian music culture, Ancient Russian chant, methodology, secular, sacred, cultural transmission.

For citation

Lobzakova E. Transmission of ancient russian chant in domestic musical culture: research methodology issue // South-Russian musical anthology. 2019.N 4. PP. 65–70.

