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S. Loseva, L. Monina

Vocal Creative Work by Teplyakov: Synesthetic Aspect of Research

Consideration of the problem is based on the analysis of diverse data devoted to the description of the scientific knowledge of the synesthetic model of the integration of mental processes in the structure of A. I. Teplyakov`s musical talent. The synesthetic interpretation of the works of A. I. Teplyakov and the features of the interpretation of the phenomenon of his creativity are analyzed. The aesthetic and ethical values of A. I. Teplyakov’s creative work are described as the basis of a person’s musical, spiritual, creative, and intellectual development. The studies of the synesthetic model of the integration of mental processes in the structure of musical talent of A. I. Teplyakov, which are manifested at the timbre-phonic, intonation-dramatic, structuralcompositional levels of musical texts, are presented. The first timbre-level is interconnected with the component of the structure of musical talent – creativity. The second compositional thematic level is interconnected with the intellectual structural component of musical talent and includes constructive and logical structures. The third intonational-dramatic level is interconnected with the structural components of musical talent by musicality and spirituality. For the interconnection of the intonational-dramatic level and components of the structure of musical talent (spirituality and musicality) in the process of integrating the synesthetic character of the psychological process, synesthesias of associative origin are valuable and paramount. The aesthetic and ethical values of A. I. Teplyakov`s creativity are described as the basis of a person`s musical, spiritual, creative, and intellectual development. The research of the synesthetic model of the integration of mental processes in the structure of musical talent of A. I. Teplyakov – timbre-phonic, intonational-dramaturgical, structural-compositional levels are presented.

Key words

A. I. Teplyakov, vocal works, synesthesia, musical talent, musicality, spirituality, creativity, intellect.