Yu. Serov
Stage triptych by B. Tishchenko based on the tales by K. Chukovsky in context of the Soviet symphony music development of the 1960s (Part 1)
The article examines the work of the outstanding Russian composer of the second half of the 20th century B. Tishchenko (1939–2010). Tishchenko is the heir to the great Russian symphonic tradition and, at the same time, is an irreconcilable innovator. As a prominent representative of the post-war generation of Soviet composers of the sixties, he became one of the leaders of the new wave, making a significant contribution to the renewal of Soviet symphonism in the 1960s. The study is devoted to an unusual genre musical and stage triptych by Tishchenko, created in 1968 by order of the Leningrad Theater of Young Spectators, which includes the ballet The Fly-Tsokotukha, opera Stolen Sun and operetta The Cockroach. The composer approached the artistic embodiment of Chukovsky’s fairy tales in the most serious way. He did not in the least betray his creative principles; his composing manner in children’s music can be judged with the same success as in adult compositions. The main conclusion of the article is that the musical triad for the Youth Theater has become a serious contribution to the renewal of Russian symphony in the second half of the 20th century.
Key words
Boris Tishchenko, Kornei Chukovsky, ballet The Fly-Tsokotukha, Russian program symphonism of the 20th century, musical fairy-tale, symphony orchestra.
For citation
Serov Yu. Stage triptych by B. Tishchenko based on the tales by K. Chukovsky in context of the Soviet symphony music development of the 1960s (Part 1) // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2022. No. 1. Pp. 83–90.