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N. Tchepniyan

Musical education of the Republic of Adyghea and the Rostov Conservatoire. My way to Leah Yakovlevna Khinchin

This article notes that professional development and further scholar, methodical, organizational and enlighten work of the author (which is one of the leading musicologists of modern Adyghea) during the last four decades is closely linked with the Rostov musical-pedagogical institute (now the Rostov conservatoire). This period was also marked by very productive development of Adyghei musical culture, including academic direction in musical performing art and education. Fruitful regular contacts between specialists of Rostov-on-Don and Maikop are of fundamental importance for creative self-realization of the most prominent representatives of the musical art of the Republic of Adyghea. That’s why the author’s memoires about the years of training in RSMPI and «school of professionalism» completed under the supervising of L. Khinchin are referred to the «historical chronicles» of Adyghei musical culture of the 1970–2000s.

Key words

Republic of Adyghea, Rostov musical-pedagogical institute, Maikop music college – Adyghei Republican college of arts, L. Khinchin, A. Khanakhu.