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E. Belash

Scherzo-miniature in piano style by A. Arensky (as an example of «Scherzino» from the cycle «Twenty-four characteristic pieces» ор. 36)

The article presents main sources which are devoted to creative work by A. Arensky, characterizes some individual features of composer’s stylistics in aspect of the most important means of expression. The author examines specifics of A. Arensky’s piano style in the genre of a scherzo-miniature. «Scherzino» from the cycle «The Twenty-four characteristic pieces» ор. 36 is taken as an example of realization of piano scherzo-joke by Russian composer-pianist who anticipated the new tendencies in creative interpretation of given genre inherent to the XXth century.

Key words

A. Arensky, piano style, piano miniature, «The Twenty-four characteristic pieces», scherzo-miniature, a genre form.