N. Ryabukha
Ontological specificity of musical sound considered as a performance category
The present article explores the category of musical sound which became the subject of scholar researches in modern humanities due to the rise of concern about the problems of performance poetics, namely the artistic and acoustic semantics of sounding. The author reveals the ontological specificity of the sound considered as a performance category; the sound is being treated as the emotional and notional concept of musical piece that is gnoseologically significant since it reflects the model of the world, as the sound-image. The article develops the ontology of the axiological being of instrumental sound as the «sounding» phenomenon that includes multiple sensual facets of the sound-image of the world and reflects the spiritual experience of a personality. As a conclusion, the ontological essence of the sound is related to the cognitive process of a performer since the named process is in search of the individually-expressed sound form of the concept of a piece according to the aesthetical laws of the musical Logos.
Key words
ontology of musical sound, musical tone, performing thinking, phonic sensation, phonic image of the world.