K. Posvalyuk
Etudes for trumpet by N. Berdyev: genre stylistics and didactic problems
The article is devoted to the poly-aspect examination of the trumpet etudes by N. Berdyev – the latter was one of our-country music-performing art (1960–1980s) outstanding representatives. The researcher for the first time offers a complex analysis of seven etude collections composed by N. Berdyev and published in his lifetime. The stylistic features of this genre interpretation belonged to N. Berdyev are marked, and didactic problems solving in the mentioned collections by the composer-trumpeter and teacher on trumpet are systematized. The specificity of the genretraditions individual realization in etudes by N. Berdyev is elucidated (this specificity is conditioned by the multiform connections between artistic and technical tasks). The researcher examines the named collections and aspires to reveal the principal tendencies in grouping of solo and ensemble etudes (duets and trios). From a position of performing analysis, two types of etudes predominant in the heritage by N. Berdyev are defined in the article. The first of them is «transcription» («thematic») one which contains fragments of different trumpet soli from compositions by our-country and foreign composers of the XIX–XXth centuries (operas, ballets, symphonic and vocal-orchestral works). The second type is «original» including «characteristic» typical etude created by N. Berdyev on the basis of specific genre patterns (waltz-etudes, marchetudes, scherzo-etudes and others) with consistent implementation of the proper methods of instrumental articulation.
Key words
N. Berdyev, genre of trumpet etude, «artistic» and «instructive» etudes, «thematic» etudes-transcriptions, «characteristic» etudes.