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S. Kostogryz

Genre-stylistic priorities of the Ukrainian balalaika art in the second half of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIst centuries

The article represents the trial of systematization conformably to the genre-stylistic models which define a specificity of the national concert and educational repertoire for balalaika in the Ukrainian music of the 1950-2000s. The researcher examines the genre priorities of the mentioned repertoire (miniature, variations, concerto); they are characterized on examples of insufficiently known explored works by Ukrainian composers – N. Shulman, P. Gaidamaka, E. Trostyanskiy, A. Beloshitskiy, V. Ivanov, G. Tsitsalyuk, N. Stetsyun. The evidently manifested inclination of the named authors to the full-scale conversation of the academic and (to the lesser degree) popular-concert folk-instrumental performing art. The Ukrainian balalaika art in the whole experiences appreciable influences on the part of «protective» art culture tendencies. At the same time assimilating of new performing devices and principles of account contributes to the enrichment of the contemporary balalaika artistic potential.

Key words

balalaika art of the Ukraine, genrestyle models of composer’s work, concert and educational music, performing means of expression.