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O. Aleksandrova

G. Sviridov’s music as an object of sense comprehending

The author’s innovative approach to the study of vocal-choral and cantata-oratorial music by G. Sviridov has been proposed in this article. The named approach is characterized by adaptation of creative work ontology and metaphysics fundamental categories; these categories are interpreted from the positions of Christian culture. Philosophical views are considered by the researcher as a determining factor of the creative composer’s thinking, and the artist is represented as adherent of the preservation and development of national traditions. The aesthetic bases of G. Sviridov’s creative work are studied in the context of Russian spiritual-philosophical thought, first of all I. Ilyin’s idea about the uniqueness and originality of Russian culture. The author of the article emphasizes that contemporary musicology rushes to sense comprehending of G. Sviridov’s music inscribing into the cultural, ontological, genre-stylistic panorama of spiritual creative work of the XXth century. The researcher supplements the characteristic (widespread in musicology) of original compositional technique devices by G. Sviridov. These technique devices are bound up with national culture and Orthodox tradition in its essential reference points. At the same time, a councility of Sviridov’s thinking and the symbolic sense which is gained by all music-expressive means (connected with incarnation of the spiritual realism of Orthodoxy) are emphasized. The author of the article notes that an appropriate result of G. Sviridov’s artistic outlook is the vocal-choral cycle «Chants and Prayers».

Key words

G. Sviridov, vocal-choral works, Russian national culture, the Orthodox ecclesiastical-singing tradition, «Chants and Prayers».