I. Khruleva
Bernardo Mengozzi and «La Methode de chant…» of Paris Conservatoire
The article is dedicated to «La Methode de chant...» («Singing Method...», 1803) of Paris Conservatoire, the treatise which is more than charily characterized in the Russian works of vocal performing art history. The researcher examines the preconditions in conformity with origination of the mentioned manual, and the social-cultural context favoured the publication of «La Methode de chant…». At the same time, the brief information about the authors of this treatise is stated in the article. Special attention is given to one of them – the Italian singer Bernardo Mengozzi (1758–1800), whose professional activity hasn’t practically been elucidated in the Russian sources. The researcher gives the systematized description of B. Mengozzi’s life course and creative development, including his connections to the singing school of Bologna, and the most significant stages of his artistic career in Italy, England and France, and his composer’s work, and some pedagogical achievements as a professor at Paris Conservatoire as well as the head of the committee elaborated the unified teaching method for young singers. Then B. Mengozzi’s personal contribution to the creation of «La Methode de chant…» is characterized. First of all the question is the adaptation of Bologna school principles for the actual objects of the French vocal pedagogy on the boundary of the XVIII–XIX centuries. It was conducive to the efficient development of the national singing school in France during the Romantic age.
Key words
«La Méthode de chant…» of Paris Conservatoire, Bernardo Mengozzi, singing school of Bologna, vocal pedagogy.