N. Mescheryakova
Olga Dontsova as the singer, pedagogue, enlightener
The article is devoted to the talented singer, prominent Russian vocal teacher and enlightener Olga Dontsova (1886–1966). The biography of the outstanding musician is represented by the researcher in two intercommunicated roles: the theatrical work and serving to the theatre by means of artistic education conformably to gifted young people. The author of the article notes that professional ascending and flourishing of O. Dontsova’s fruitful artistic activities (1912–1922) at the leading provincial theatres and Moscow S. Zimin Opera coincided with performances of Russian opera coryphaei as F. Chaliapin, N. Speransky, M. Slavina, O. Kamionsky, D. Smirnov at the same boards. Pedagogical and musical-enlightening work of O. Dontsova was crowned with founding of three amateur opera companies (Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog). It was conducive to the development of appropriate traditions in the region, and the beginnings of favourable conditions for the posterior opening of the Music theatre in the Don region. The documentary materials from O. Dontzova’s personal archives (for the first time published by the researcher) brightly impress the multi-faceted activity of the famous artist which interpreted her own profession as selfless serving to the great heritage of the world opera classics, and consecutive formation of dynamically developing cultural space in the South of Russia.
Key words
O. Dontsova, S. Zimin Opera, amateur musical theatre, artistic enlightenment, vocal pedagogy.