U. Sorokina
Culture of church singing in Rostov-on-Don in the beginning of the XXth century
This article reveals the features of sacred music life of Rostov-on-Don in the beginning of XX century. The significant factor determining the development of choral art in the early twentieth century is the simultaneous subordination of spiritual authority of the city to Ekaterinoslav diocese, as well as the administrative authorities – to the Don Army Region. This period of the Russian history was marked by the heyday of church singing art. Active processes in this area took place also in the South provincial city. They was embodied in the creativity by Rostov regents and composers, the activity by Church Singing Society, frequent spiritual and secular press coverage, as well as in the practice of sacred music concerts. The high level of mastery of the church choirs was provided with the professional activity by the outstanding musical figures of the time: G. Davidovsky, I. Kovalenko, F. Myasnikov, K. Pigrov, what reveals the powerful influence of the St. Petersburg Court Chapel. In addition the author of the article examines the regional features of sacred musical culture related to the impact of church singing tradition of Saint-Petersburg Court Chapel, also related to the impact of geographic location of the city and of the peaceful living of the representatives of different confessions.
Key words
sacred music, Orthodox singing culture, regent, Rostov-on-Don, sacred music concerts, musical criticism, prerevolutionary periodical editions, Society of church singing.