V. Krivezhenko
Intertextual interactions in the sacred cantata-oratorial compositions by F. Liszt
Various types of intertextual interactions that arise in cantata-oratorial compositions by F. Liszt are examined in the article, and the author analyzes the factors under the influence of which these interactions arise. Style factors are related to the peculiarities of Liszt’s creative thinking, his attitude to the «one’s own – another’s» problem. Contextual factors are dictated by the artistic features of the works, because the prerequisites for accessing borrowed material arise from their content. The mechanism of the action of the contextual factors is connected with the formation of analogies between the created text and the already existing one. Depending on the nature of these analogies, we can identify a number of situations caused by contextual factors. In the cantatas and oratorios by Liszt various types of style allusions and reminiscences are most often encountered at the level of thematicism. Analyzing the peculiar forms of their manifestation at the level of the intonation-thematic solution, the author comes to the conclusion that the borrowed text, having a multidimensional structure, is almost never reproduced by the composer literally. Working with the sphere of «another word» makes it possible to identify the stable and mobile components in the borrowed thematic. The interactions between such components are determined by the dramaturgy.
Key words
intertextuality, cantata, oratorio, citation, allusion, reminiscence.