Zhao Yui
Some landmarks of clarinet’s historical evolution: on the way to world fame
The published essay contains a review description of the most important stages conformably to the historical evolution of clarinet in the XVII–XXth centuries starting with its Baroque predecessor chalumeau and concluding with contemporary «quarter-tone» models of this instrument. The author of the essay notes that historical development of clarinet is the revealing example of assimilating as applied to diverse repertoire-style spheres, various countries and regions, up to the day’s world «expansion» in the spirit of the cultural globalization processes. In our times, the interest for music addressed to the named instrument is extremely considerable, and clarinet takes the part of the most active «dramatic personae» in the academic, popular, professional-traditional and folklore spheres of music culture. The observation materials concerning the spheres of art playing clarinet in the number of countries in Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Sweden, Spain, France), Asia (Armenia, Turkey, China, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia), and Latin America (Brazil) are the cogent corroboration of the said. Thus clarinet rightfully takes one of the leading places in the line of musical instruments which represent universalism and versatility of contemporary culture.
Key words
art of clarinet playing, «Frenсh» and «German» constructions of the instrument, performing clarinetists’ schools, national varieties of clarinet.