N. Beketova
Metaphysical history of music: scholarship and education practice (article 1)
The article is devoted to research and theoretical substantiation of the metaphysical music history conception. Proceed from the requirements of high school educational practice, which sometimes acutely needs clarification of theoretical concepts stable-existing in musicology, the author proves the necessity of co-ordination between accepted «horizontal» comprehension of sense levels and the metaphysical «vertical line», corresponding to the ontological nature of music, which is «number, symbol and myth», according to A. Losev. Basing on the appropriate theses of the Russian philosophy, the researcher estimates the contemporary state of the theory and interpreting practice in the sphere of a musical conception, namely sense content of the latter and the means of its implementation. It is noted the problem of stereotyped dramaturgical definitions, subject to revision in conformity with the point of view stipulated by the true essence of musical self-expression. In particular, the metaphysical nature of musical tragedy which in principle cannot be the subject for a «horizontal » consideration is accentuated. The author of the article cites the statements by A. Losev, G. Sviridov and Yu. Kholopov which establish the insufficiency of analysts’ attention to the spiritual nature of music intonation with its lively and completed image, derived from the metaphysical sense «vertical line». As the researcher supposes, the cognitive trial of the analytical methodology «vertical intention» contributes to the infinite extension of the field of interpretations conformably to music. Thereby specialists are guided by comprehension of the innermost meanings of a musical composition.
Key words
ontological essence of music, metaphysical interpretation of musical work, history, musical meaning, musical content.