I. Vorobyov
To the Question of Adaptation of the Folk Music in the Oeuvre of Modern Composers
The article is devoted to the issues of implementation of folk music material into contemporary music. The music of contemporary composers, as a rule, is distanced in regards to folk musical sources, since the European aesthetical paradigm in our days is based on the ideas of multiculturalism. At the same time, the art of folk music should be examined as one of the sources of the intonational and dramatic content of music. The history of European musical culture testifies of a ceaseless dialogue between the professional tradition and folk music. The author examines the typological principles of this dialogue through the prism of the aesthetics and technique of musical composition which dominated during the various stages of development of European culture (Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Renaissance, the Baroque period etc.). During the epoch after Stravinsky and the composers of the “New Folk Music Wave” the issue of the relations between the composer and folk music has not lost its relevance. In the context of its actualization various approaches towards the solution of this problem are offered in this article: the interpenetration of the national and the international, the integration of the folk musical material and the contemporary compositional techniques, the expansion of timbral-coloristic properties of music by means of synthesis of authentic and academic sound.
Key words
folk music, composer, ethnicity, nationality, neo-folklorism, new folk music wave.