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Kushnir O.

Sh. Chalaev`s opera “Bloody Wedding”: on the problem of drama realization in music

The article looks at the opera “Bloody wedding” by Shirvani Chalaev (1936) from the point of view realization of opera-drama genre features. It examines the history of the creation of the work written in 2004, some peculiarities of the embodiment of the original work of the same name by F. Garcia Lorca, and provides a brief summary. Libretto and music are multicomponent, the composer resorts to auto- citation of the poem-monologue “Amargo” for baritone, oboe and piano (1987), written on poems by the Spanish poet, and borrows a poetic fragment of the text by O. Batyraya from his own vocal cycle for a low voice “I bear in my breast the fire” (1980). The musical text from “Amargo” and the action of the opera interact in parallel dramaturgy, the fully quoted poem-monologue is distributed throughout the opera and intertwined with the main events in such a way that it performs a generalization function in “The Bloody Wedding”, consonant with the ideas of B. Brecht’s epic theater. The author comes to the conclusion that the opera “The Bloody Wedding” by Sh. Chalaev is written according to the laws of opera-drama, with its characteristic features: death of characters, rapidly unfolding action, an extensive system of conflict. Due to the parallel dramaturgy the poetic text of the Spanish poet becomes extremely symbolic in the opera, it is full of mortal fate of the main characters. The composer stresses aspects of great importance: death for the sake of short-lived happiness of being loved (The Bride and Leonardo), vengeance at the cost of one’s life as the restoration of one’s honor and duty, crying out for justice (The Groom). The masterful musical embodiment of love feelings, the complex of leit-themes, and the re-creation of Spanish color make this work one of the most beautiful examples of the contemporary Russian opera.

Key words

Shirvani Chalaev, F. Garcia Lorca, opera «Bloody Wedding», opera-drama, a parallel dramaturgy, intertext, conflict.

For citation

Kushnir O. Sh. Chalaev’s opera “Bloody Wedding”: on the problem of drama realization in music // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2020. No. 4. Pp. 56–64.

