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Plotnikova O.

Representation of the concept «art universe of musical composition» in the musicological discourse

The study of the concept as a constant of culture, a complex, mental construct of consciousness and language is actualized in various spheres of the humanities: cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, lingual-cognitive conceptology. The article is devoted to identifying the semantics of the concept «art universe of musical composition». Occupying a dominant position in the conceptual sphere of musicology, it serves as a navigation platform for discussing issues of importance in the scientific community. A means of access to its content is the consideration of the history of the concept’s functioning in musicological discourse. It testifies to the centrifugal vector of its evolution at the present time. In the process of concept reconstruction, metaphorical, conceptual, figurative-symbolic and axiological components are distinguished. Modus actualization of the constituent parts of the concept is due to the perspectives of the study of a musical work as an artistic phenomenon in the spheres of culture, art, education. The historical and contextual background of the concept represents its characteristics: mentality, multidimensionality, poly-appeallability, variability due to the direction of the author’s scientific research. Based on the method of conceptual analysis, developed in cognitive linguistics, the author considers its key poly-semantic lexeme – «universe». The etymological, associative-figurative and symbolic layers, presented in lexicographic sources, model the cognitive space of the macro- concept, concretize and detail the deciphering of the segments of being reflected in the musical text. The conventional concept «art universe of musical composition» in the mirror of historical and theoretical thought about music has maximum intensional and extensional semantics. As a hyperonym, it structures a stochastic, multistage system of variable, derived from it musicological terms-subconcepts and contains extra-musical and intro-musical codes of artistic meanings.

Key words

methodology and conceptual sphere of musicology, concept «art universe of musical composition», macro-concept «universe».

For citation

Plotnikova O. Representation of the concept «art universe of musical composition» in the musicological discourse // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2020. No. 4. Pp. 74–82.

