E. Lobzakova, M. Porubina
Eric Satie’s piano cycles of 1912–1915: musical opuses or critical pamphlets?
The article is devoted to the research of the piano compositions written by French composer Eric Satie, which became the major area for the implementation of his creative experiments. In the focus of attention are the cycles of 1912–1915, which demonstrate the ingenious artistic method bounded with embodiment of the comic origin in its parody form. Being based on the elaborations of Russian musicologists, particularly A. V. Denisov, O. B. Solomonova, the author attempts to reveal the specifics of the functioning of musical parody in the Eric Satie’s oeuvre. Within analytical outlooks there are three key aspects: firstly, the definition of the formation mechanism of a parody space at different layers of the program structure of cycles, which are forming their extramusical level and setting a comic context; secondly, the methods and techniques of critical derision are investigating on musical level itself; thirdly, the work of funds (or «means») complex of musical and verbal expression is in the process of scrutinizing. As a result, the author concludes that the organization of reciprocity between different levels of programness is based on the tenet of de-coordination and deviation from the norm, and the functioning of the extramusical and intramusical series frequently demonstrates autonomous logic. The composer’s use of such instruments as genre-stylistic imbalance, the injection of a quote or allusion in an unwonted context or/and its transformation, hyperbolization or primitivization of the original source properties lead to the effect of reducing and discrediting of the high musical prototype. All these techniques become the basis of his specific creative method, the using of which is aimed at criticizing the foundations of academic art.
Key words
French music, Eric Satie, piano miniature, parody, programness.
For citation
Lobzakova E., Porubina M. Eric Satie’s piano cycles of 1912–1915: musical opuses or critical pamphlets? // South-Russian musical anthology. 2021. No. 1. Pp. 63–69.