C. Radu-Țaga, L. Turtă-Timofte
Travelling through the compositional universe of Vasile Spătărelu
Vasile Spătărelu was the catalyst of the contemporary school of composition in Iași (Romania). The musician has constantly asserted himself in the creative domain, approaching all musical genres. He was a composer of lyrical substance, gifted with a rich musical fantasy and a freedom of associative ideas. He had a lyrical nature that inhibited him to give into the mirage of experimental ways that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s.
With a sensitivity and attraction for poetry, the composer Vasile Spătărelu looked within himself for inspiration, exploring his inner self of emotions. Covering over 46 years of creative work, Vasile Spătărelu’s music shines through its sincerity and not through the richness or length of its forms of representation. His intelligence, his musical culture amplified by an exceptional melodic sensitivity and imagination, led to the creation of a work that undoubtedly found its place in the history of music. Beyond the inherent perishability there is his art, which propelled him as a man of great culture, a composer who skillfully and serenely handled polymorphic techniques of writing. As a poet of harmony, with post-bartokian and postenescian resonances, Vasile Spătărelu highlighted the substance of the musical symbol, developing the poetical sensibility of contemporary Romanian music.
Key words
Vasile Spătărelu, contemporary Romanian music, B. Bartok, G. Enescu.
For citation
Radu-Taga C., Turtă-Timofte L. Travelling through the compositional universe of Vasile Spătărelu // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 20–27.