M. Kopyryulin
The campaign of the fight against formalism of 1948 in the Soviet music and professionalization of the folk instrumental performing art in Russia: the interconditional paradox
Professionalization of the art of performance of the folk instruments in Russia is a historical process completed within a century. It started in 1920s with the introduction of folk instruments branches to the music colleges curricula and led to the opening of the first folk instruments department in Gnesins Music and Pedagogical Institute in 1948. Thus, full-scale and systematic professional education of folk music performers in accordance with academic traditions of European musical art was set in motion.
This event is considered in social and cultural dimensions, taking into account multiple elements of the famous campaign against formalism in the Soviet music (1948). At the same time the author identifies and justifies the deep connection between the official aesthetic declarations, which provided the specificities of the campaign, and the approving academic status of Russian folk instruments in the USSR at that period of time. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of the folk instruments into the system of Russian professional education during the 1950–1960s. This tendency is characterised as an unconditional regularity, which paradoxically coincided with ideological postulates of wittingly situational cultural politics of the post-war five years. Not having tangible prospects of a long-term realisation, this politic was basically an impulse for implementation of noticeable changes in the art of folk instruments performance in Soviet Union with the active government support.
Aforementioned allows to consider the dramatic events of 1948, as a rule interpreted by Russian music history from the unequivocally negative perspective, from the new angle.
Key words
Russian professional folk instruments performance, Russian folk instruments orchestra, campaign against formalism of 1948 in Soviet music, academic musical education in USSR.
For citation
Kopyryulin M. The campaign of the fight against formalism of 1948 in the Soviet music and professionalization of the folk instrumental performing art in Russia: the interconditional paradox // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 109–117.