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A. Slobodchikova

Classical crossover album as a creative laboratory: on the way to forming the individual appearance of a modern rock music

Dialogue with the musical heritage of academic composers is an important part of practice of different generations of rock musicians. In the postmodern era, the interaction of different musical material within one composition has almost become the standard for many cultural phenomena in both academic and popular art. The article aims to outline the role of a classical crossover album as a significant factor contributing to identity formation of foreign rock musicians or rock bands. Classical crossover albums, fully or partially based on rock interpretations and reinterpretations of academic musical opuses, are analyzed and typologically grouped. The main issues associated with the named types of creativity are covered. First of all, the place of a classical crossover album in the heritage of a rock band or an individual author. Some musical projects or the music of individual rock performers in general are partially or even completely based on the reworking of musical pieces of the academic tradition, becoming the hallmark of their style. Further, the researcher of this article describes the issue of transformation of musical text and content of the original academic composer’s work. The peculiarities of the interpretation, characterized in dialogical aspects, makes it possible to reveal the modern rock music individuality by examining the basic principles of the interaction of rock style with the predetermined style by academic composition and to identify the styleforming functions of this process. Based on an analysis of the conceptual content, thematic focus, artistic and emotional specificity the article proposes the author’s crossover albums typology, which includes four types of their structural organization.

As a result, the author of the article comes to the conclusion about the importance of classical crossover albums for foreign authors or rock bands, in whose music they turn out to be a significant or even key stylistic component.

Key words

rock music, classical crossover, crossover album, rock music, rock interpretation, reinterpretation, mass and academic musical culture of postmodernist period.

For citation

Slobodchikova A. Classical crossover album as a creative laboratory: on the way to forming the individual appearance of a modern rock music // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2022. No. 4. Pp. 78-86.

