S. Nemtsova-Ambaryan
Thanatological motif in music (on the example of E. Glebov’s musical and theatre heritage)
The article is devoted to the musical theatre works by E. Glebov, a classic of the Belarusian musical culture in the 20th century, whose legacy has become a pride not only of Belarus, but also of various countries of the world. The research focuses on the process of interpreting literary proto-texts in the composer’s musical and dramatic texts. To carry out a comprehensive analysis of the process of artistic interpretation, the author substantiated its hierarchical levels (thematic/tune, genre, dramaturgical, plot, compositional, verbal). Analysis of the features of interpretation in the intermediate texts by E. Glebov allows us to state their metathematic unity, manifested in the presence of a single thanatological motif that permeates the author’s texts and subordinates other components of the text (conflict, plot, composition, dramaturgy features). Based on the principles of literary thanatology, the article reveals the genre, plot and image unity of musical and dramatic texts. Particular attention is paid to the representation of the thanatological plot in the modus of the sublime (tragic type), following which «thanato-poetics» is represented by the Romantic Christian model of self-sacrifice. The emphasis is placed on a thanatological chronotope fundamentally important for E. Glebov – the chronotope of war, the main feature of which is the rejection of the heroic type of completion of the thanatological motif. The initiation rite is justified as one of the dominant ones in the thanatological plots about the Heroes, which in the theatrical poetics of E. Glebov is expressed in two versions: social and existential. The analysis of thanato-semantic makes it possible to identify in the composer’s texts the concept of Evil, interpreted by the composer as subjective Evil (the mode of the comic) and objective Evil (the mode of the tragic), manifesting itself in the tendency to genre hybridization and genre allusions.
Key words
composer Evgeny Glebov, musical theatre, thanatological motif, concept of Evil.
For citation
Nemtsova-Ambaryan S. Thanatological motif in music (on the example of E. Glebov’s musical and theatre heritage) // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2023. No. 1. Pp. 34-42.