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I. Gerasimova

Musical editions of 1943 by the Riga printing house of Nikolai Vieglays (based on the materials of the Assumption church archive in the village Aksenovo, Palkinsky district, Pskov region)

This article analyzes the church choral works published in the Riga Publishing House at the Holy Trinity Sergiy’s Monastery by the priest of the Latvian Diocese Nikolai Vieglais in 1943. These notes spread in the Orthodox parishes of the Baltic States and the North-Western Region of Russia among the Pskov Orthodox Mission priests. In the archive of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the village of Aksenovo, Palkinsky district, Pskov region, it was possible to find nine separate scores by church composers published by this printing house in 1943. In one of the musical editions of this year, a register of compositions prepared for printing was found, which included works by G. Rodionov, M. Popov-Platonov, A. Nikolsky, A. Arkhangelsky, V. Glagolev, M. Mattison, M. Grivsky. “Small Praise” by M. Grivsky is another work from this series, found in the library of the choir of the Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery. The article describes the discovered musical materials and analyzes the works in order to find answers to the following questions: by what criterion the scores for publications were chosen and for what kind of singers they were intended. The study showed that the publisher, when choosing a repertoire for publication, focused more on professional musicians of Orthodox city cathedrals than on amateur singers of rural parishes. The scores of the “Russian” series of 1943, for the most part, were designed for a high level of singers who were brought up in the prerevolutionary Russia.

Key words

Pskov Orthodox Mission, Nikolai Vieglais, history of the Pskov Region church, Russian church composers of the late 19th – first half of the 20th century, Russian composers of Latvia, the Nazi occupation of 1941–1944.

For citation

Gerasimova I. Musical editions of 1943 by the Riga printing house of Nikolai Vieglays (based on the materials of the Assumption church archive in the village Aksenovo, Palkinsky district, Pskov region) // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2023. No. 1. Pp. 83-90.

