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A. Orlova

Flexibility and plasticity as important components in the playing motions culture of domra performer

The published article is devoted to the consideration of the domra performer playing motions, presented as a complex organized complex of interrelated elements. Their destination is to contribute to the successful solution of artistic and technical problems that arise before the musician in the process of playing, which implies a special role for the performing culture of these motions. The author of the article notes the insufficient working out the appropriate problems in modern methodological literature for domra. Meanwhile, the priority importance of such components of the performing process as freedom, flexibility and plasticity of playing motions is emphasized by well-known instrumental pedagogues of the 20th century (G. Neihaus, Yu. Yankelevich, T. Volskaya, etc.). Based on their statements, the researcher characterizes the specifics of the general propositions of musical and performing pedagogy related to ensuring the flexibility and plasticity of playing motions in the field of domra performance. Based on this, parallels are outlined and substantiated between the designated area and some sports disciplines, due to a similar interpretation of flexibility and plasticity. Recommendations are given for the purposeful development of the named components of the culture of playing motions, drawn from the latest methodological literature in the field of “sport of high achievements”. Emphasizing the significant relationship between the external aesthetics of playing motions and the beauty of sound producing, the author of the article points to the development of actual technologies related to the consistent formation and improvement of the culture of the mentioned motions, as a very urgent and promising innovative direction in the modern methodology of teaching domra performers. At the same time, the generalizing definition of “culture” implies not only a certain professional level of instrumental performance, but also the desire for an intensive search for new expressive possibilities of domra.

Key words

method of domra playing, performer’s apparatus, culture of playing motions, muscle free, flexibility, plasticity.

For citation

Orlova A. Flexibility and plasticity as important components in the playing motions culture of domra performer // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 85-90.

