Victoria Gumennaya

Doctor of FA
Full Professor at the Pereira Technological University
Director of the Masters program in Music
Research coordinator of Deartamental Plan for Music (Risaralda, Colombia)
Research group coordinator «Music and community» registered in Colciencias (Pereira, Colombia)
Research sphere and interests
Research activities by V. Gumennaya are connected with different areas: ethnomusicology, music pedagogy, historical and theoretical musicology.
V. Gumennaya is the author of several publications devoted to ethnic music quest, the technique of piano performing art based on traditional music material of Latin America, the problems associated with the gender issues, musical sociology, issues of musicology. Also she is the author of the book "Methodology of Piano at the Early Stages of Learning and Its Relationship to Psychomotor" . (Pereira, Colombia: Papiro, 2005).
V. Gumennaya is the Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Technological University of Pereira (Colombia) (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira), Director of the Master's program in Music (Maestría en Música) and the Specialist's degree in Music Theory (Especialización en Teoría de la Música) at the University of Technology; Scientific coordinator of the Department of Risaralda in the field of traditional music studies (Risaralda, Colombia), coordinator of the research group "Music and Society", the Reviewer at the Administrative Department for Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias - Colciencias).
Also she is the producer and the author of the weekly didactic radio program "Music Box" (on the air since 1999) within the framework of University project of social programs for the population.
V. Gumennaya is the member of the Scientific Council at The Faculty of Fine Arts (University of Technology). She is the participant of international scientific conferences and seminars, supervisor of several master theses, the initiator and executor of a number of academic and social projects, such as: "The Phenomenon Serenade and Its Evolution Through the Prism of Dialogue With New Cultural and Social Contexts", "The Study of Musical Traditions of Indian Embera-Chami Settlements".