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Tatyana I. Naumenko

Doctor of Sciences (Musicology)
Professor, Head of the Chair of Music Theory at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
(Moscow, Russia)

Research sphere and interests

T. I. Naumenko works in 2 main areas: history and methodology of musicological science, and the development of modern musical education.


T. I. Naumenko is the author of over 200 publications, including 3 monographs: "Musicology: the Style of Scientific Work (Practical Issues)" (2005), "Textual science of music" (2013) and "Textological Aspects of Musicology in Russia and the Former Soviet Union" (2017); articles in Russian and foreign academic journals, as well as the series of textbooks (for secondary schools) implemented in all regions of Russia.


T. I. Naumenko’s teaching experience is associated with teaching harmony and ear training at all the faculties of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music and also with the academic supervision of diploma theses and dissertations. Since 2004 she has been teaching graduate students within the specially developed original course "Scientific Text".

Among the students of T.I. Naumenko there are teachers of music institutes and colleges, music editors, experts in the field of art-management. As the academic supervisor she has prepared 8 PhD theses.

T. I. Naumenko is the organizer of several national and international scientific conferences that are regularly held in Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, such as "Musicology at the Beginning of the Century: Past and Present" (within the grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities in 2002 and 2007), "Studies of Young Musicologists", "Reform of Music Education: Students’ Sight". Also she is the executive editor of more than 10 collections of scientific articles and materials, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation.