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Elena Polotskaya

Doctor of Sciences (Musicology)
Pro-rector for Research
Professor of the Music Theory Department at the Urals State Mussorgsky Conservatoire (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

E. Polotskaya works in the fields of the theory and history ofancient Russian singing art, the Russian music history, and the history of theoretical musicology. E. Polotskaya investigates the problems of Tchaikovsky`s oeuvre and the history of Russian conservatoire education.

She is the author of more than 100 academic and methodological works, including the monograph “Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky as a Teacher” (2007), the articles “Tchaikovsky's Translation of F.-A. Gevaert's “Traitégénérald’instrumentation” as a document of his time and a monument to musical and theoretical thought of the 19th century” (2017) and “Das Wichtigstesind Beständigkeit und Konsequenz – Čajkovskijs Lehrer Nikolaj Zaremba” (2018), the teaching guides “Professional music education in Ancient Russia”(2002), “Early Russian professional polyphony” (1999), “P. I. Tchaikovsky and the Russian Musical Society”(2018) and other academic articles in journals included in the Highest Academic Commission list, articles in journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI databases.

She is an editor-compiler of many collections of articles, permanent participant and organizer of All-Russian and international academic conferences, Head and executor of the funded projects, including the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Elena Polotskaya is a supervisor of students, graduate students and applicants for the degree of PhD.

E. Polotskaya is a member of the Joint Academic Board D 999.146.03 for the defence of PhD dissertations in the scientific speciality 17.00.02 – “Musical Art” on the basis of the M. I. Glinka Magnitogorsk State Conservatory, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Music in the System of Culture: Scientific Bulletin of the Ural Conservatory”.