Tatiana F. Shak

Doctor of Sciences (Musicology)
Professor at the Krasnodar State University of Culture (Krasnodar, Russia)
Member of the Union of the Composers of Russia
Member of the Association of Cinema Education and Mediapedagogics of Russia
Member of the Guild of Musicologists of Russia
Research sphere and interests
Tatiana F. Shak is interested in the study of harmony and musical drama (the theme of the PhD research: "Harmony as the Factor of Musical Drama in the Operas by N. I. Rimsky-Korsakov", 1994), music in modern media genres (doctoral thesis "Music in the Structure of Media Texts: Art and Animation", 2010). This doctoral thesis has opened a new direction in musicology, which allowed T. F. Shak to become the founder of the scientific school – "Methodology for the Analysis of Music in the Structure of Media Texts".
T. F. Shak is the author of over 160 academic works, including monographs: "Harmonic System in Opera Dramaturgy by N. I. Rimsky-Korsakov" (Krasnodar, 2003), "Music in the Structure of Media Texts" (Krasnodar, 2010: St. Petersburg, 2017). 16 of her research articles are published in collections, recommended by HAC. She is the author of 18 educational and methodical works, including electronic manuals and textbooks approved by the EMA.
In 1981 T. F. Shak graduated from the Faculty of Music Theory and Composition of the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Leningrad Conservatory with the qualification of musicologist, teacher and lecturer.
T. F. Shak is the editor of the 12 collections of scientific articles, the initiator of a number of scientific and creative projects of Regional and Federal level, organizer of the annual international scientific-practical conference "Music in the Space of Media Culture". Also she is the member of the Dissertation Council D 210.016.01 for the protection of the PhD and doctoral theses at the Rostov State S. Rachmaninov Conservatoire and the member of the editorial boards of academic journals included in the list by HAC. During the last period 3 PhD dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of candidates of cultural studies and art history were prepared and successfully defended under her supervision.