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I. Palkina

The first theatre on Don

In 1827 in Taganrog the first stationary theatre on Don has opened: the population of the town has reached by then 10 000 persons. However the temporary troupe existed in 1825. In the 1840s the theatrical company gave to 100 performances in a year (the season lasted from January till December). In 1844 in this theatre, along with drama performances, there was an opera «The Dnieper Mermaid» by F. Каuer, S. Davydov, K. Каvos. In repertoire of the Taganrog theatre in 1844 there was an operetta. In 1870s it co-existed two troupes – Italian (the head M. Varvatsi) and Russian (the head A. Fursov) . The Italian troupe was operatic, the Russian one played performances of all other genres. Duration of a season has changed: the theatre worked from the end of August and till the spring. The overwhelming majority of operas have been written in Italian. Most known of them: «Norma» by V. Bellini, «Wilhelm Tell», «Othello» by G. Rossini, «Favorite» by G. Donizetti, «Traviata», «The Masquerade Ball», «Troubadour» by G. Verdi, etc. The theatrical library also contained fragments from operas, ballets and, the potpourris, fantasies, dancing music (more than 200 works). But only one of them represented the Russian musical culture – the air «The poor horse» from M. Glinka’s opera «The Life for the Tsar».

Key words

the XIXth century, Taganrog, musical theatre, G. Val’yano.