Muedinov D.
Off-centre techniques of playing wind instruments in specialised literature of our country (article 1)
The present article is devoted to innovating processes in wind instruments performing art of the second half of the 20th century. These processes are examined in the light of research observations and appraisals by musicologists, composers, practical musicians. The author of the article notes that the problem of purposeful studying and systematisation applied to off-centre techniques of playing wind instruments had been realised and clearly formulated by the early 1980s. Moreover, there revealed an intention to differentiated perception and many-sided comprehension of these techniques: on the one hand, in the aspect of their dramaturgical and compositional predestination (D. Smirnov), on the other hand, proceeding from the prospective of expanding the list of expressive performing means (B. Dikov). The first of the above-mentioned tendencies («compositional and musicological») was characterised by primary examining of imagery and semantic «range» conformably to every off-centre technique and its «personalised» use in the modern artistic (first of all, concert) repertoire. Hence, there followed various references to works by Russian and foreign composers dating back to the 1950s – early 1980s, and these works represented individual «interpretations» of the named techniques. The second tendency («methodological and performing») was largely drawn to a description of technological peculiarities of this or that off-centre technique, its versions, appropriate systematisation, etc. In the author’s opinion, subsequent studying of these techniques in specialised literature of our country was stipulated by the priority influence of any analysed tendency. The emphasised conclusion is clearly corroborated by published research works of the 2000s – 2010s which appeal to the problems of contemporary flute performing art (V. Davidova, I. Viskova, I. Mutuzkin, O. Tantsov).
Key words
wind instruments performing art, artistic innovations, off-centre performing techniques, flute music of the 1950s–2000s.
For citation
Muedinov D. Off-centre techniques of playing wind instruments in specialised literature of our country (article 1) // South-Russian musical anthology. 2020. No 1. Pp. 103–108.