D. Astashev
Professional education of a singer in the context of the European idea of harmonizing the educational environment
The article draws attention to possible prospects for the development of national professional education of vocalists in the context of the implementation of the European idea of harmonizing the educational environment. The basic guidelines of the Bologna Declaration give a new impetus to the modernization of the vocalist’s higher education. Knowledge of European national educational programmes has helped to promote dialogue and development of methods and mechanisms for cooperation within the Bologna process. Comparative analysis of Italian bachelors’ programmes “Canto” and ”Canto rinascimentale e barocco“ helps to reveal their educational coordinates. The fundamental difference between the singing practices of the Renaissance and Baroque and those of the classical-romantic era requires different theoretical and analytical knowledge and singing skills. This makes it advisable to have two vocalist training courses in the Italian educational space. The analysis undertaken in this article broadens the horizon of professional knowledge and motivates the search for ways of inter- institutional cooperation. In the practical implementation of the European idea of harmonizing the educational environment, such analysis is useful for understanding possible prospects of development. The increment of educational units that free analytical and auditory experience from the inertia of classical-romantic norms to a performer’s memory is a strong argument in the context of promoting the idea of harmonization. It is also concerned with the formation of an educational environment that includes the acquisition of new competencies. Today the constantly increasing demands for the level of professionalism of specialists qualitatively change the usual content of vocalists training. Therefore, the opportunity to exploit the potential of European educational programs is a valid path to self-development.
Key words
professional education of singers, Bologna transformations, modernization of educational system, internationalization of education, harmonization of educational environment, historically informed performance, educational programs “Canto” and “Canto rinascimentale e barocco” for bachelors.
For citation
Astashev D. Professional education of a singer in the context of the European idea of harmonizing the educational environment // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 60–67.